
Archive for January, 2023

Baker Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, manages his shop in Lakewood on Aug. 15, 2018. Hyoung Chang, The Denver Post

Not that this should come as any big surprise, but Christian baker Jack Phillips once again finds himself under siege by the woke mafia

The latest round in the relentless attack on this man comes from the transgender mob.  In this case, a man pretending to be a woman by the name of Autumn Scardina filed a complete against Phillips after Phillips refused to bake him a cake celebrating his “transition” from male to female.  Phillips initially agreed to bake the cake, which was to be pink with blue icing.  But when Scardina told him the purpose of the cake was to celebrate his transition from man to woman, Phillips then refused on the ground that he did not believe someone could change genders and would not celebrate “somebody who thinks that they can.”

You may recall that Phillips won his 2018 case in the Supreme Court over an earlier legal attack on him for refusing to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding.  In that case, his lawyers argued successfully that forcing Phillips to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding, which Phillips opposed – correctly – on the ground that same-sex weddings were a violation of his religious beliefs, represented a violation of his First Amendment right to free speech. 

According to Phillips, he is “an artist who uses cakes as ‘canvas’ to express ideas and celebrate events.” The argument seems to be that by forcing him to bake a cake celebrating a same-sex wedding or a gender transition, he is being forced to say something that he does not want to say, and that violates his conscience as a Christian. 

As a Christian, I have a lot of sympathy for Jack Phillips.  It is an outrage that this man has been harassed for the past decade simply for wanting to live his professional life in accord with his Christian conscience.  I also understand why his lawyers have advised him to argue his case on First Amendment grounds.  His legal team probably considered it the clearest path to victory.  And they were right, at least up to a point.  Phillips did win his 2018 case before the Supreme Court.

But now he’s back in legal hot water again, and part of the problem is that his legal advisors did not attack the fundamental issue in his original case.  Phillips had the right to refuse to bake the same-sex wedding cake.  But the ground of his rightful refusal was not the First Amendment, but rather his rights as a private property owner. 

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“You’ll own nothing.  And you’ll be happy.”

In Genesis chapter 11, we read about sinful man’s first attempt to build a global empire in disobedience to God in the form of the Tower of Babel.  Here, we read, “And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.”

This was in contradiction to the command of God, who reiterated to Noah the same order given to Adam, namely, to be fruitful and to fill the earth (see Genesis 9:1). Rather than obeying God, these men of Babel preferred to “make a name for themselves” by building a city and a tower.  We tend to focus on the tower but note well that the plan was to build a city as well as a tower “whose top may reach unto heaven.” The city, of course, implies a permanent dwelling.  In this case, a permanent dwelling “of the whole earth,” which is to say the entire population of the earth.  This was the world’s first idolatrous, global empire.  An empire that God quickly brought to an end, scattering the people “abroad from there over the face of all the earth.”  After this, the men of Babel “ceased building the city.”

In his sermon on Mars Hill, the Apostle Paul tells gives us additional information related to why God scattered the men of Babel.  He wrote that God “preappointed” the time and boundaries of men’s dwellings.  He did this, Paul tells us, “so that they should seek the Lord.”  Rather than taking solace and pride in their own achievements, as men of great empires are wont to do, God has decreed that men are to dwell in nations, mind their own business, and seek him. 

But sinful man did not learn his lesson at Babel.  Over the following millennia, man would make other attempts to constitute a global empire.  Some of these attempts are recorded for us in the pages of Scripture.  Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Greece, and Rome all took their shots. 

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Pope Benedict’s Globalist Call for a ‘True World Political Authority‘” by Joseph D’Hippolito, Human Events, 1/10/2023.


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“TAMMANY HALL is simply the political organization of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, with a Bishop Hughes or a Cardinal McCloskey or Archbishop Corrigan at its head and a Fernando Wood, a William Tweed, or a John Kelly for his fugleman [mouthpiece, author].  The proper name for it is JESUIT HALL.  By this name it should be called, and by none other; for name and nature should correspond, so that when the one is called the other should be understood, and that would help to guide both the mind and the action of the American people.” 

I hope that paragraph got your attention.  It’s a quote from a book that I just received titled Romanism and Politics:  Tammany Hall The Stronghold of Rome by Joseph Hartwell.  Published in 1887 in New York City, this book is representative of an entire body of literature produced in the 19th century by American Christian authors warning their fellow Americans about the dangers of what some of them called “political Romanism.”  Their warnings were largely ignored; today, most of these authors and their works have been largely forgotten.  But here in 2023, with an openly Romanist presidential administration and a government largely committed to furthering the policies of political and economic Romanism, it is imperative for Christians to read and understand the warnings of these authors, both to understand the source of the dangerous and tyrannical doctrines being implemented all around us in place of the liberties guaranteed to us in our Constitution and to effectively fight back against them. For fight back we must. 

Just consider the disastrous situation on our southern border.  One doesn’t need to do a deep statistical dive to know that what’s going on – with millions of illegal aliens flooding across our southern border as a direct result of the policies of the Biden Regime – is unsustainable and represents an existential threat to the United States as a nation.  That this is being done deliberately as a matter of policy should shock every American and prompt him to ask, in whose service is this being done.  Certainly, it’s not in the service of the American people.  But someone wants this to happen and wants it to happen badly enough to open wide the welfare immigration spigots even though most Americans don’t want this to happen. 

There are, in my opinion, a number of different interests promoting our current disastrous immigration policy.  But the leader of the group is the Roman Catholic Church-State (RCCS), and in particular its lobbying wing in America, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).  Working principally through the Democrat party, the USCCB has been able to effect changes in American immigration law that advantage it and the globalist goals of the RCCS to the harm of the American nation.  Yet while the Biden Regime works 24/7 to implement the Antichrist RCCS’s immigration policies, almost no one seems to understand that these policies are, in fact, the immigration policies of the Vatican. 

One can find video after video, article after article, showing massive lawlessness on our border and decrying the woeful situation.  But these reports never talk about where the policies that are the source of this disaster come from.  They come straight from the Vatican.  That is, their source is the Antichrist system of Rome.  But you will never learn this from watching the new reports. 

This is where reading 19th-century Christian authors, authors who lived and wrote at the time of the inception of political and economic Romanism in the United States, can be helpful.  One such author is Joseph Hartwell, a Protestant minister and author of the book that is the subject of this week’s post, and likely those of the next few weeks.    

It has long been the opinion of this author that growing socialism in the United States is substantially the work of the RCCS.  After watching the obviously fraudulent 2020 presidential election, one that saw the ouster of a nominally Presbyterian president and the installation of the Roman Catholic Joe Biden, it seemed even more important than before to establish the link between the manifestly evil policies of the Democrats and the work of the RCCS in America.  My working idea has been this:  the theft of the 2020 presidential election was just a scaled-up version of the 19th-century thug politics of Tammany Hall and other big city, Roman Catholic-controlled Democrat political machines. But while the fraud – election and otherwise – of Tammany Hall mainly affected those unfortunate enough to live in New York City, the thug politics as practiced by the Democrats in the 21st century harms all Americans.

Yet as is the case with the disaster on our southern border, while there are many good articles detailing the election fraud in 2020 and 2022, the source of that fraud, namely, the Antichrist RCCS working through the Democrats, is never discussed.  Truly, Rome has done a masterful job hiding its evil activities from the eyes of the public, even from Christians who otherwise should be alert to the evils of Rome.  It seems as if in 2023, even the elect are blind to the ravages of Antichrist being conducted right under their noses. 

This is why it’s critical for Christians to read and understand the warnings of 19th-century authors such as Joseph Harwell, who lived when political Romanism was just beginning to be felt in America and had the liberty and courage to speak out against it.  It is this author’s hope that this post will be the first of many posts covering these forgotten authors.  I suppose that this will be a years-long process, perhaps one ending in the publication of a book on the subject.  One certainly is needed.  Lord willing, it is my goal to produce such a book.  Now with that said, let’s begin our look at Hartwell’s piece.

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Joe Biden greets U.S. Border Patrol agents along a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso Texas, Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

“We are Republicans, and don’t propose to leave our party and identify ourselves with the party whose antecedents have been rum, Romanism, and rebellion.  We are loyal to our flag.”

  • Dr. Samuel D. Burchard, Presbyterian Minister and Union Civil War Veteran

For the first time in his nearly 2 years in office, Joe Biden will visit America’s southwestern border today to lie to the American people once again about what he and his Regime are doing to destroy the nation that he supposedly represents through the policy of mass, welfare migration. 

As America’s second Roman Catholic president, Joe Biden has wasted no time implementing the welfare immigration program of the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church-State, a program designed to weaken and subvert the United States and to strengthen the hand of the Vatican in the internal affairs of the nation.  The goal of this program is to render the United States ungovernable and fold it into a regional, and finally a world government with the Pope – the man who claims to be the father of kings, governor of the world, and vicar of Christ – as the head.

While the lying legacy media portray America’s border crisis as if it, like Melchizedek, were without father or mother or genealogy, the parentage of America’s illegal alien migration disaster is very clearly known.  It is a creation of the Democrats generally, of the Biden Regime more particularly, and of the Vatican ultimately.    

But while the Vatican origins of the current immigration crisis are not hard to see, most Americans, even Reformed Christians who of all people should have the discernment to see the scam for what it is, fail to grasp what is being done to them and by whom it is being done.

The Antichrist Roman Church-State has been active on our southern border for years, decades really, promoting the destruction of America through mass Roman Catholic, welfare migration.  But in the past few years, Rome has stepped up its game.  Jesuit Pope Francis paid a visit to Juarez in January 2016, celebrating a mass that was simulcast in the Sun Bowl in El Paso.  Unsurprisingly, Francis used this occasion to promote his favorite nation-breaking ploy, mass welfare migration. 

The Wall Street Journal reporting on the Pope’s visit to Juarez noted, “While many are expected to cross the border to see the papal Mass at the nearby Juárez fairgrounds, some 600 ‘VIPs’ invited by the Roman Catholic Diocese of El Paso – migrants, labor advocates, nuns and immigration activists – will gather to watch the pope from a levee on the U.S. side.”

In another article on the same subject from February 9, 2016, The Wall Street Journal reported, “Pope Francis arrives in Mexico on Friday for a six-day visit that will end with a highly symbolic and potentially controversial act: the pontiff taking a stand on the fortified U.S. border to show solidarity with the migrants trying to cross it.”  The Journal even went so far as to refer to migration as, “the expected theme of the pope’s Juárez visit.”

With this in mind, is it any big surprise that seven years later El Paso is the epicenter of Antichrist’s illegal alien assault on America?

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It’s that time of year again.  The time when we say goodbye to the old year and welcome in the new one with all its possibilities. 

In the first place, I would like to thank the Lord for his grace and strength in 2022.  The year was a challenging one for me personally, as I went through a period of unemployment.  But God was gracious to me, helping me to find a job with a good company.  And though things were a bit tight at some points, I always had the things I needed.  I’m reminded of what Jesus said in his Sermon on the Mount, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things – food, clothing, etc. – shall be added unto you.”

I’m thankful also for another year of serving the Lord through blogging and podcasting.  2022 was my 14th year of writing Lux Lucet and it’s been a labor of love the whole time.  Ideas are powerful things, and ideas always come in the form of words.  There was a time when I was in the habit of saying “words cannot express” when talking about something that deeply affected me.  But many years ago, John Robbins disabused me of that notion.  In Genesis, we see that the worlds were framed by the word of God.  He spoke the universe into existence.  Christ himself is called God the Word.  There is nothing deeper than words.  There is nothing that cannot be expressed by them. To have the opportunity to work in the medium of words.  To write, to express ideas, to teach.  That is a high privilege.  It is also a great responsibility.  It is my prayer each time I write that the words I use may honor God and edify his people. 

War in Ukraine

In reviewing the year’s writing, I wrote 53 articles.  And the prize for my most popular article written in 2022 goes to “The Reformed Church’s Lost Doctrine of Antichrist” published on April 3, 2022.  The context of that piece was Pope Francis’ consecration of Russia and Ukraine “to the Immaculate Heart of Mary” on March 25, 2022.  One of the biggest stories of the year was when Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.  And about a month later, there was Pope Francis dedicating Russia to “the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”  I didn’t catch the significance of this story the first time I hear it, but in the week leading up to the papal consecration, there was so much chatter in the media about it that I decided to investigate the matter further.  What I found was that the Pope’s decision was connected to the prophecies of Fatima from over a hundred years ago, in which the demon impersonation Mary promised that if the pope dedicated Russia to her immaculate heart, the nation would be freed from its errors and convert to Catholicism.  Catholic commentators were ecstatic at the consecration and at least some of them were optimistic that quick results would soon follow.  But here we are over nine months later, and the Pope’s consecration seems to have had precisely no effect.  The likely excuse for this among Catholic commentators is that the Pope didn’t do the consecration right.  At the time of the consecration, one prominent Catholic commentator, I think it was Taylor Marshall, mentioned his concern that Francis added “Ukraine” to his consecration rather than limiting it to “Russia,” as the demonic Fatima apparition instructed.

I thought at the time of writing that article, and still think today, that one of the major overlooked aspects of the war in Ukraine is the role of the Roman Catholic Church-State (RCCS).  Pope Frances has verbally come out in support of Ukraine on several occasions over the past year, and very clearly his consecrating Russia is a power play for the RCCS against its ancient rival, the Russian Orthodox Church, and against Eastern Orthodoxy more broadly.  It is the long-term goal of the RCCS to create a one-world religion and a one-world government.  Rome is the beating heart of New World Order globalism, and this shows very clearly in Ukraine, but most commentators either don’t notice or pretend as though they don’t. 

Then there’s the fact that the CIA has been egging on this war since at least 2014 when they overthrew the elected leader in Ukraine and installed a pro-Western regime.  The overthrow of Viktor Yanukovich in 2014 likely was precipitated by his announcement of a pro-Russia foreign policy for Ukraine in place of a pro-Western one.  It’s worth noting, too, that the CIA has historically had close ties to the Roman Catholic Church going all the way back to its predecessor organization, the OSS during World War II.  At that time, the OSS was headed by William “Wild Bill” Donovan, who was decorated “with the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Sylvester, the oldest and most prestigious of papal knighthoods.”    

Keep an eye out for further papal intrigue in Ukraine.  As things stand, the RCCS has captured America’s federal government and seems fully intent on prosecuting a war in Ukraine in which no clear American interest is at stake.  Is the CIA carrying out its proxy war against Russia in connection with advancing the Vatican’s goals of subjugating Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church?  It seems likely to the author that this is the case. 

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