
Archive for August, 2022

Usurper Joe Biden calls his political opponents “semi-fascists” in his latest attempt to denigrate the historic, Protestant American nation in Rockville, MD 8/25/2022. Photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images.

And when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal.

  • II Kings 11:1

Last week I wrote about America and how our nation, conceived in liberty with a government of, by, and for the people, has devolved to the point where we now live under an occupation government with a son of Antichrist seated in the Oval Office. 

Of course, the Regime press will never tell you this.  Their job is to curry favor with the powers that shouldn’t be.  In fact, about the only good reason I can think of for reading the legacy media is the same one I’m told the people of the Soviet Union followed Pravda: to know what official lies the government expected them to believe.  If you know a narrative is a lie, it’s easier to dismiss it as the propaganda it is. 

On Friday, The New York Times ran an absurd hit piece of an editorial titled “Donald Trump Is Not Above the Law.”  Of course, we would agree with that statement.  But the Times isn’t interested in impartial justice.  You see, the writers at the Times and other outlets that worship and serve the Beast, while Donald Trump is not above the law, Barak Obama (spied on the Trump campaign), Hillary Clinton (server gate and other crimes too numerous to mention), Hunter Biden (laptop from hell), Joe Biden (grand theft election) are above the law.  So too are the alphabet agencies such as the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the DOJ. The Times is asking you to forget about the massive, treasonous activities of these individuals and organizations while focusing on a supposed “crime” of Donald Trump which appears not to be a crime at all.  Indeed, given the consistent, outrageous lying on the part of the Democrats and the Deep State about Trump since at least 2015, Americans have every right to dismiss this latest dust-up over Trump’s stealing of classified documents as the latest and most desperate hate hoax against the former President, who is hated and feared by the party of rum, Romanism, and rebellion to a degree that I have not personally witnessed before in the world of politics.

So, what does the Bible say about living under an occupation government, a usurping, corrupt, and illegitimate government?  As was mentioned last week, there is a surprising and little discussed example of that very thing in Scripture, the reign of Queen Athaliah of Judah. 

One supposes that there are many who attend nominally Protestant churches these days who would be surprised to hear that Judah had a queen for six years.  But such was the case. And her reign can be instructive to us as to how to live as God’s people under an occupation government and not give up hope.

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A member of the Secret Service is seen in front of the home of former President Donald Trump at Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida on August 9, 2022. 
GIORGIO VIERA/AFP via Getty Images

And when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal.

  • II Kings 11:1

The United States of America is under an occupation government. 

At the present, we have a government that is not of, by, or for the people.  Rather, we have one that is of, by, and for the Deep Staters, the bansksters, the crony capitalists, the globalists, and the Vaticanites. 

That Joe Biden is an illegitimate president ought to be clear to all.  There are any number of ways to know that Biden was not legitimately elected by the American people and the Electoral College. Perhaps the easiest way to know the fix was in is to look at what happened when the Hunter Biden laptop story broke shortly before the 2020 vote. 

The New York Post broke the story in October 2020, and immediately the Democratic/Deep State machine went to work to discredit it.  The Deep State intelligence agencies went to work with a letter signed by 51 intelligence professionals saying that the story smacked of Russian disinformation.  The New York Post had its Twitter account suspended and no reference to the “laptop from hell” was permitted on Facebook and probably any other major social media platform. 

A year and a half later, whaddya know, all the major propaganda outlets – by this I mean the New York Times, The Washington Post, and others of their ilk – came out and finally acknowledged that the laptop is real. 

Of course, it was real.  That was obvious at the time.  And we don’t need the lying mainstream news outlets to confirm this for us.  But the fact that the Times and others lied to the public about the laptop until well after the election shows that the fix was in. 

Biden is an illegitimate president. 

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Tammany Hall as a ferocious tiger killing democracy by Thomas Nast, Harper’s Weekly.

“We are Republicans, and don’t propose to leave our party and identify ourselves with the party whose antecedents have been rum, Romanism, and rebellion.  We are loyal to our flag.”

  • Dr. Samuel D. Burchard

Last week brought with it a couple of major events, neither one of them good for America.  In the first place, there was the passage of the comically, propagandistically names Inflation Reduction Act, an Act guaranteed to increase, not decrease inflation.  Not to mention an Act that sics 87,000 new IRS agents on the American people – more specifically, it sics them on the middle class and small businesses that don’t have the legions of tax lawyers and accountants to fight back against the IRS – an Act that implements parts of the liberty destroying, World Economic Forum, Vatican approved Green New Deal, and an Act that manages to extend Obamacare subsidies passed as part of Covid relief.   

In short, it’s another unconstitutional boondoggle that will do exactly the opposite of what it claims it will do. 

Then there’s the FBI raid on Donald Trump’s Florida home, Mar-a-Lago.  Many writers have rightly compared this raid to the sort of thing one would expect in a banana republic.  Given the disturbing trend of both the Democrats generally, and the Biden Regime in particular, to politicize justice, this raid must be seen as a continuation of their attempts to outlaw their political opponents. 

One can find many articles in the mainstream and even alternate conservative and libertarian press denouncing both the Inflation Reduction Act and the raid on Mar-a-Lago.  But none of them, in this writer’s opinion, get to the heart of the matter. 

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Vatican City, though small in size, has a worldwide footprint.

It’s been a while since I wrote an installment of Rome Watch, a series of posts designed to highlight the anti-Christian political beliefs and activities of the Roman Catholic Church-State. 

I titled this one “Grab Bag” due to it being a collection of short pieces all with the central theme of Rome’s ongoing attack on political and economic liberty throughout the world. 

Let The Eat Bugs!

Marie Antoinette is famously quoted as saying “Let them eat cake!”  This saying is often held up as a model of aristocratic arrogance directed against the poor.  But while Marie Antoinette is long gone, her spirit marches on.  The 21st century variant on her famous saying seems to be “Let them eat bugs.”  And it should come as no surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention that Pope Francis has joined in on the chorus of voices calling for all of us to “reimagine” our eating habits.   

And while Pope Francis didn’t come right out and tell his audience at the EU Youth Conference to eat bugs, he did lecture them to eat less meat

But the Pope’s message was right in line with the World Economic Forum (WEF) that famously put out a video a few years ago saying that by 2030 “You’ll own nothing and be happy.” While I’m entirely sure the Bond villain types that made up the WEF certainly would like it if ordinary people owned nothing by 2030, I’m not sure they’re going to get there. And if they do, of a truth none of us will be happy. 

But what’s often overlooked in that same video is at the 0:34 mark we are told by our “betters” that we’ll eat much less meat.  Further, we are lectured, it meat will be “an occasional treat,” kind of like when you give your dog a bone.  This will be “for the good of the environment and our health.” 

Interesting that the Pope, in his letter to the attendees of the EU Youth Forum, made this same argument.  He wrote, “it would be appropriate to consume less meat:  this too can help save the environment.”

So, what’s the connection to eating bugs?  It’s this.  This WEF has long pushed eating bugs as a solution to what it sees as an environmental problem caused by too many people.  To solve this “problem,” the WEF believes we all must eat less meat and more bugs.  Just take a look at the 2021 WEF video titled “Insects could soon be appearing on restaurant menus in Europe.”

Klaus Schwab really, really wants you to eat the bugs to save the planet.  So does the Pope, but he’s not honest enough to come out and say so.

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