
Archive for February, 2024

My Comments: It’s truly extraordinary how far and how fast famous American cities are falling. The city of Denver, CO has a mayor who wants you to believe that the migrant illegal alien crisis is some force of nature, like an avalanche in the Rockies, about which nothing can be done. One can only manage the problem, not put an end to it. And one of the ways he’s trying to manage the problem is, not by laying off employees, but by reducing their hours to zero. Once again, Americans’ interests are put behind those of illegal aliens.

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Martin Luther as the “German Hercules” vanquishing the doctors of Rome. Hans Holbein the Younger, 1520. Brother Martin was not confused about the identity of Antichrist.

Have you prayed against Antichrist today? 

To answer that question truthfully, you first need to know who Antichrist is.  Protestants once knew the identity of Antichrist.  But the Protestant school of prophetic interpretation has been out of fashion for a long time, and other systems such as Postmillennialism, Amillennialism, and Dispensationalism have captured the bulk of Reformed and Evangelical pulpits in our day.

For the Postmillennialists, Antichrist is yesterday’s news.  He came and went in the first century, so there’s no need to pray against him.  For in the literal sense of the word he is history.

With the Dispensationalists it’s not much different.  For them, there’s no need to pray against Antichrist, because Antichrist will not appear until sometime in the future.  When Isaiah prophesied to King Hezekiah that the Babylonians would come and carry off all Judah’s treasure to Babylon, he exclaimed, “The word of the LORD which you have spoken is good…Will there not be peace and truth at least in my days?”  Hezekiah saw the destruction of Jerusalem as a small thing since it was an event in the distant future and would not affect him.  Not Hezekiah’s finest moment, that.  For Dispensationalists, it is much the same way.  The coming of Antichrist is a future event and not a clear and present danger.  Perhaps some Dispensationalists pray against the supposedly future Antichrist, but human nature being what it is, probably most do not.    

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Illegal alien invaders arrive at Annunciation House in El Paso after being released from U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody, on June 24, 2018. Credit: Ivan Pierre Aguirre for The Texas Tribune

My Comments: Some good news for a change as Texas Attorney General announces a lawsuit against El Paso-based Annunciation House, a Catholic organization facilitating the illegal alien invasion of the United States.

According to a press release from Paxton’s office:

“Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has sued Annunciation House, a nongovernmental organization (“NGO”), to revoke their registration to operate in Texas. The Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”) reviewed significant public record information strongly suggesting Annunciation House is engaged in legal violations such as facilitating illegal entry to the United States, alien harboring, human smuggling, and operating a stash house.”

In case you’re wondering, a “stash house” is what it sounds like, a place to put illegal aliens until they can be moved. The U.S. Embassy in Georgia (the nation, not the state) gives the following definition of stash house, “Stash houses are where human smugglers put migrants until they can relocate them either within countries or across borders.”

The announcement by Paxton’s office is good news, and we should pray that his efforts at shutting down Annunciation House and ending its evil deeds are a success.

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2018 migrant caravan

According to Col. Douglas McGregor’s tweet below, his sources at the Department of Homeland Security put the number of illegal aliens in America at over 30 million. Think about it, around one in ten people living in the United States is an illegal alien. It is hard to overstate the level of treason required for a government to do this to the people it supposedly represents, but that is what our government has done to the American people.

Worth noting is that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) only complaint about the current border crisis is that not enough people are being let in fast enough. To remedy this failure, in a recent press release the USCCB petitioned Catholics to give to its Department of Migration and Refugee Services as well as the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, both of which are tools used by Rome to subvert the historic, Protestant American nation by inundating it with Roman Catholics and other unbelievers.

Charles Spurgeon once declared that every Christian’s duty was to pray against the papal Antichrist. Any takers?

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My Comments: The sanctuary state of Massachusetts is – big surprise! – getting overrun by illegal alien invaders, and it’s costing taxpayers a pretty penny.

The lesbian, Roman Catholic governor of the state, Maura Healey, has encouraged the mass influx of indigent illegal aliens and is dumping the cost off on the people of Massachusetts.

The story below from the Daily Mail indicates that Healy declared a state of emergency over migrant arrivals last August. When confronted with a phenomenon causing an emergency, most people would look for ways to stop whatever it is that’s causing the problem. Suppose you walked into your kitchen and found the sink was overflowing and the faucet was wide open. You’d probably shut off the faucet, then go grab a mop and bucket.

But not Maura Healey or her other partners in crime in other cities and states. No sir.

The only complaint any of them has is that the federal government has not provided enough funds for them to build enough migrant shelters. None of them, not Healey in Massachusetts, no Adams in New York, not Johnson in Chicago, has ever, so far as I’m aware, uttered a word about shutting off the illegal alien invasion set in motion by the Biden Regime.

Their refusal to demand that the federal government do its job tells you they’re in on the Vatican’s treasonous, irredentist replacement migration plot.

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Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, Texas, center, and other Catholic clergy from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and El Paso take part in a binational Mass Nov. 5, 2022, in memory of migrants who died during their journey to the U.S. near the border between Mexico and the United States. What Mark Seitz and the other notables don’t tell you is that the migrants died because of Rome’s policy fostering illegal immigration. (CNS photo/Gabriel Barraza, Reuters)

And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Sampson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.  Women received their dead raised to life again.

  • Hebrews 11:32-35

The passage above falls toward the end of Hebrews chapter 11, a portion of Scripture we sometimes call the faith hall of fame.  That’s not a bad title to give Hebrews 11.  After all, it recounts example after example of men and women from the Old Testament who trusted in the Lord, that is, they believed God’s words, serving as his witnesses. 

In vv. 32-25, the author of Hebrews is wrapping up his review of faithful Old Testament saints, quickly passing over a few names and giving examples of their accomplishments.  In some cases, it’s fairly easy to discern who performed which of the acts mentioned in the passage.  In other cases, it’s not so clear. 

One aspect of the deeds mentioned here is that they are not necessarily works we would always think of as acts done in faith.  In our own day, many people, perhaps even some Christians, would think of them more as acts of bravery or some technical know-how than as acts done in faith.  I’m talking here of such works as “subduing kingdoms,” “becoming valiant in battle,” and “turning to flight the armies of the aliens.” These are works that many would consider more in the realm of secular public policy than anything Christian. 

But as Christians, at least those who have a proper understanding of God’s sovereignty, know, there is nothing that happens outside of his will.  There is nothing independent of God.  There is nothing that is truly “secular” as some would use that word, as if there are some matters that are not subject to God’s decretive and preceptive will.

I say this because one of the besetting sins of contemporary Christians – and I’m talking here about people who claim to believe the Bible, not secular humanists dressed up in Christian clothing – is to suppose that they can adopt the world’s tactics to fight spiritual battles and hope to win.

One example of this is how some Christians have tried to push back on Darwinism by arguing, not for Biblical creation as set forth in Genesis 1, but for “intelligent design.”  They will try to undermine Darwinism not by using the Bible, but by employing scientific arguments only. Now there’s nothing wrong with using scientific reasoning as ad hominem arguments to show where the Darwinists are inconsistent.  For example, one can argue that the fossil records do not show t the gradual changing of one species into another as Darwinian evolution supposes took place, but rather sharp breaks where entirely new species seem to appear ex nihilo (out of nothing).  This undermines the atheistic, secularist arguments for evolution and it’s entirely proper for Christians to bring up this argument as well as other such arguments.

But if all we do is rely on scientific arguments to make our case, then we’re not going to win the fight.  Some want to tell Christians “Keep your Bible out of the public sphere” as if only scientific arguments that are supposedly “neutral” are acceptable, while “faith-based” arguments are unacceptable.  All arguments are “faith-based” in the sense that they rest on certain assumptions, first principles, called axioms.  Science, for example, rests on the notion of the general reliability of the senses. 

Uniformitarianism – the idea that the earth has always changed in uniform ways and that the present is the key to the past[1] – is another scientific axiom.  But this has not always been the case.  According to National Geographic, before 1830, “scientists subscribed to catastrophism,” which posits that the features we see on the Earth came about as the result of sudden change.  As Christians, we believe in a Biblical form of catastrophism.  As the Scriptures teach, God’s work of creation is his creating all things out of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of six [literal 24-hour] days, and all very good.  Likewise, we hold to Noah’s flood as recorded in Genesis 6-9.  But try bringing these Biblical arguments into a modern secular university, and you’ll be laughed to scorn. 

And yet as Christians, these are the very arguments that we must make if we are to “turn to flight the armies” of the atheist scholars who are destroying our nation. It should be noted that the people who want to tell you that one species can change into another are the same ones who want to convince you that men can change into women and women into men.    

In the end, there are no secular battles.  There are only spiritual battles.  And this brings me to the main reason why I have written on immigration the way I have.  I have framed it as a fight between the Antichrist, globalist, New World Order (NWO) of the Roman Catholic Church-State and the Biblical, Protestant Westphalian World Order (WWO).  It is a battle between a false church with a false gospel that saves no one and the true church of Jesus Christ that preaches the true gospel of Justification by Belief Alone and all its implications such as political and economic liberty.  Understood this way, immigration is not some secular issue to be argued about using secular arguments, that is, arguments divorced from the Scriptures, but a spiritual battle to be fought by spiritual means.       

The Apostle Paul enjoined Timothy to “fight the good fight of faith.”  The battle over immigration is not some battle that Christians can pursue as if it were a matter of making conservative political arguments “to own the liberals.” Even the representatives of the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church-State understand that this is a spiritual battle.  Read the arguments Rome makes for its immigration socialism.  The most important Roman Catholic document on immigration is the 1952 Apostolic Constitution The Emigrée Family of Nazareth. In it, Pope Pius XII attempts to argue that the example of Joseph taking Mary and Jesus to Egypt to avoid King Herod’s persecution is the model for “every migrant, alien and refugee of whatever kind.”  According to Rome, when we see millions of illegal aliens pouring across our southern border, we really are supposed to see Jesus and his family.  This is all a lot of nonsense as I’ve discussed elsewhere.[2]  Rather, it is a Scripture twisting attempt by Antichrist to convince the unwary that the Bible supports theft and world government, when, in fact, it does not.    

In Ephesians 5:11, Paul writes, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”  Rome’s immigration policies of mass, nation-breaking welfare migration is an “unfruitful work of darkness,” and, therefore, Christians are under obligation 1) to have no fellowship with it, that is, we are not to promote it, and 2) are to expose it, or as the King James reads, “reprove it.”  And how do we expose Rome’s lies about its irredentist, unchristian, immoral theory and practice of immigration?  We reprove Rome from the Word of God.  We fight, not as secularists, not as conservatives, but as Christians. 

Jesus said, “Apart from me, you can do nothing.”  The long string of theological and political defeats suffered by American Protestants over the last 100-plus years tells us what we should have known all along.  If we keep sheathed our one offensive weapon, “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,” not only will we continue to lose every battle, but we will also deserve to lose. 

[1] “Uniformitarianism,” National Geographic, https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/uniformitarianism/, accessed 2/18/2024.

[2] “Antichrist’s Illegal Alien Assault on America,” by Steve Matthews, https://www.trinityfoundation.org/Podcast/TFR%2025.Antichrists%20Illegal%20Alien%20Assault%20on%20America.Final.mp3, accessed 2/18/2024.

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Would be illegal aliens shelter in the Casa Del Migrante in Piedras Negras, Mexico. They hide in this “Roman Catholic church-run” Scalabrinian shelter to avoid being rounded up by the Mexican army. One can have sympathy for these people, who are being used as pawns by the Roman Church-State, without condoning their actions. Photo by Todd Bensman.

“But because the Biden campaign simply could not brook the bad polling part, the last and only migrants who can be found anywhere in the Mexican border town of Piedras Negras today cower in fear behind the skirts of nuns inside the tall, barbed-wire-rimmed compound of a Catholic Church-run shelter called Casa Del Migrante.”


My Comments: In the link below to a piece by immigration reporter Todd Bensman, we read that the Biden Regime, seeing its precipitous drop in the polls, has decided to crack down on the border invaders. Who knew that destroying America with an illegal alien invasion would prove unpopular politically?

But of special interest to me is what Bensman writes in his article’s second paragraph, which I’ve quoted above, where he talks about the Casa Del Migrante (Migrant House). It turns out that the Casa Del Migrante in Piedras Negras is just one franchise of a whole network of Casas Del Migrante run by the Scalabrinians, a Catholic organization dedicated to subverting the United States and other nations using Rome’s irredentist immigration policies and practices.

The article even quotes a nun who admits that she knows she’s helping to shelter what the article calls “intending U.S. border-crossers” but should be called illegal alien invaders.

The role of the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church in the illegal alien invasion of America and other Western nations cannot be overstated. It’s almost comically easy to find evidence of this “conspiracy theory,” but almost no one connects the dots that are all but shoved in our faces on a daily basis.

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My Comments: The Apostle Paul wrote, “For he [the civil magestrate] is God’s minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil.” But what if a government, instead of fulfilling its proper, God-appointed role of punishing those who practice evil, refuses to do its job? What if instead of punishing those who practice evil it turns them loose to prey on innocent people? You’d probably say that government has failed in its most basic duty to the people it supposedly serves and could even be said to hate them.

Such behavior is now a commonplace in the West as governments refuse to do their most basic duty of punishing those who practice evil, instead releasing them on the public to do even more evil. This was certainly the case with the Cranston, RI jail that released an illegal alien charged with child molestation rather than turning him over to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) per ICE’s detainer request.

From Bill Melugin’s post below, ICE was able to re-arrest the man apparently before he committed any more crimes. But that’s not always the case. Sadly, there have been many instances where illegal aliens, who have been deported many times or jailed and released many times for crimes they committed while on American soil, went on to commit additional heinous crimes.

What are we to say of governments that refuse to do their most basic duty of punishing those who practice evil other than that they hate the very people they claim to serve and represent.

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