
Posts Tagged ‘Southern Border Crisis’

The moment when migrants break through the concertina wire and storm the border at El Paso, TX, 3/21/2024.

My Comments: Gotta hand it to Jesuit Joe. The man certainly knows how to destroy a nation. Or more accurately, his Jesuit handlers do. Dramatic video from earlier this week shows wanna-be illegal aliens storming through concertina wire in El Paso as national guardsmen try to hold the line.

This madness is 100% a treasonous, organized, and deliberate effort by the Biden Regime to take down America by flooding the country with foreigners whose expenses are paid for by the very American people they are brought here to subvert.

It is an evil plan. It is a diabolical plan. It is a plan with the fingerprints of Antichrist all over it.

So who is this Antichrist of whom I write? Just to be clear, Antichrist is not, as the postmillennialists believe, some figure from the distant past such as the Emporer Nero. Neither is he, as the Dispensationalists insist, some figure to come in the future. Antichrist is here and now and doing his work right in front of our noses. Antichrist is the office of the papacy. An office currently filled by a man named Jorge Bergoglio, doing business as Francis I. May the Lord grant his people eyes to see.

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Illegal alien invaders arrive at Annunciation House in El Paso after being released from U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody, on June 24, 2018. Credit: Ivan Pierre Aguirre for The Texas Tribune

Rome controls the immigration media narrative.  If you doubt this, consider the press coverage of the lawsuit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton against Annunciation House.

The story, if you’re not familiar with it, is that Ken Paxton’s office announced on 2/202/2024 that he was suing Annunciation House, an El Paso-based NGO “after discovering Potential efforts to facilitate illegal immigration.”  You can read the press release here

According to Paxton, there is significant public record information strongly suggesting Annunciation House is engaged in legal violations such as facilitating illegal entry to the United States, alien harboring, human smuggling, and operating a stash house.” Paxton’s aim is to revoke Annunciation House’s registration to operate in Texas. 

Predictably, the Roman Catholic propaganda machine immediately kicked it into high gear, with nearly every article posted on Paxton’s lawsuit portraying this a David and Goliath struggle, with Paxton in the Goliath role and Annunciation House as the poor little put upon David. 

Here’s a sample of the media headlines from the past two weeks to show you what I mean:

“Ken Paxton’s Annunciation House investigation is the latest attack on religious organizations aiding migrants at the border” – Texas Tribune, 2/24/2024

“Flowers: Texas off base to go after Annunciation House efforts” – Delco Times 3/1/2024

“Opinion: An attack on Annunciation House is an attack on Texas” – El Paso Matters, 3/1/2024

“Editorial: Annunciation House’s charitable acts for immigrants are not crimes” – San Antonio Express News, 2/27/2024

“Texas attorney general sets off religious liberty alarms by attacking a Catholic charity in El Paso” – Baptist News Global, 2/23/2024

“El Paso’s Saint Of The Border Negotiates A New Reality” – New Yorker, 2/23/2024

“Catholic immigrant shelter battles Texas AG, who wants to shut it down” – NBC News, 2/21/2024

Many more such headlines can be found, but I think you get the point.  There is a massive media campaign to paint the Annunciation House as the innocent victim of a rogue Attorney General.  Note well, these are, for the most part, secular sources.  I avoided headlines from openly Roman Catholic sources intentionally, although there are plenty of those as well. 

Worth noting is the headline from Baptist News Global.  I don’t know much about this organization.  A quick perusal of its website suggests that it’s a liberal Baptist group.  That it would come out in defense of Antichrist’s treasonous immigration policies is not all that much of a surprise, as many Evangelical and Protestant organizations, even putatively conservative ones such as the Southern Baptist Convention, have echoed Rome’s immigration philosophy of mass welfare migration.   

Worth asking is this question, Is it an accident that Rome’s profoundly destructive immigration theory and practice receive such favorable coverage in the new media?  The answer is no, it is not.  Rome controls the immigration narrative presented to the public in the media.

By “narrative,” I mean the context in which the news stories are set, the way events are explained.  Take the headline above, “Editorial: Annunciation House’s charitable acts for immigrants are not crimes.”  Calling the millions – some say up to 10 million – people who have poured across our southern border “immigrants” is simply dishonest.  This is an invasion, not an immigration, and I’m fairly certain that the editorial writers at the San Antonio Express News know that full well.

A book published in the 1980s titled American Democracy & The Vatican: Population Growth & National Security provides some interesting insights as to how Rome goes about controlling the media narrative.  The short answer is that they attack “offending” newspaper’s advertisers. 

Father Mullaly concluded this revealing document with a platform of action for punishing critical American newspapers:

1. Do not attack a magazine or newspaper through its editorial department but act through its business office.

2. When a magazine or newspaper is attacking your religion, write to the business manager and inform him that you will not buy the offending periodical again, and mean it.

3. Call the attention of the merchants with whom you deal to the insults and tell them that as long as they advertize in any offending paper you will not buy their goods, and mean it.

4. Tell your news-dealer that as long as you see the magazine or newspaper on his stand as an open insult to you, you will not buy from him, and mean it.[1]

Note that Mullaly’s first rule is not to argue against the publication’s editorial department.  That is, Mullaly is not interested in debating ideas.  He wants to shut down debate by silencing the opposition. 

A survey of American press coverage on the faceoff between Ken Paxton and Annunciation House suggests that Mullaly’s approach to censorship via threat has been highly effective. 

[1] Mumford, Stephen D. American Democracy and the Vatican: Population Growth and National Security. Church and State Press. Kindle Edition. Worth noting, the ADL and other Jewish groups use similar tactics when attacking publishes who refuse to bow to their censorship demands.  This tweet by the ADL from 2022 is an example of their handiwork https://twitter.com/ADL/status/1588587735711121408?lang=en.

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Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, Texas, center, and other Catholic clergy from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and El Paso take part in a binational Mass Nov. 5, 2022, in memory of migrants who died during their journey to the U.S. near the border between Mexico and the United States. What Mark Seitz and the other notables don’t tell you is that the migrants died because of Rome’s policy fostering illegal immigration. (CNS photo/Gabriel Barraza, Reuters)

And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Sampson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.  Women received their dead raised to life again.

  • Hebrews 11:32-35

The passage above falls toward the end of Hebrews chapter 11, a portion of Scripture we sometimes call the faith hall of fame.  That’s not a bad title to give Hebrews 11.  After all, it recounts example after example of men and women from the Old Testament who trusted in the Lord, that is, they believed God’s words, serving as his witnesses. 

In vv. 32-25, the author of Hebrews is wrapping up his review of faithful Old Testament saints, quickly passing over a few names and giving examples of their accomplishments.  In some cases, it’s fairly easy to discern who performed which of the acts mentioned in the passage.  In other cases, it’s not so clear. 

One aspect of the deeds mentioned here is that they are not necessarily works we would always think of as acts done in faith.  In our own day, many people, perhaps even some Christians, would think of them more as acts of bravery or some technical know-how than as acts done in faith.  I’m talking here of such works as “subduing kingdoms,” “becoming valiant in battle,” and “turning to flight the armies of the aliens.” These are works that many would consider more in the realm of secular public policy than anything Christian. 

But as Christians, at least those who have a proper understanding of God’s sovereignty, know, there is nothing that happens outside of his will.  There is nothing independent of God.  There is nothing that is truly “secular” as some would use that word, as if there are some matters that are not subject to God’s decretive and preceptive will.

I say this because one of the besetting sins of contemporary Christians – and I’m talking here about people who claim to believe the Bible, not secular humanists dressed up in Christian clothing – is to suppose that they can adopt the world’s tactics to fight spiritual battles and hope to win.

One example of this is how some Christians have tried to push back on Darwinism by arguing, not for Biblical creation as set forth in Genesis 1, but for “intelligent design.”  They will try to undermine Darwinism not by using the Bible, but by employing scientific arguments only. Now there’s nothing wrong with using scientific reasoning as ad hominem arguments to show where the Darwinists are inconsistent.  For example, one can argue that the fossil records do not show t the gradual changing of one species into another as Darwinian evolution supposes took place, but rather sharp breaks where entirely new species seem to appear ex nihilo (out of nothing).  This undermines the atheistic, secularist arguments for evolution and it’s entirely proper for Christians to bring up this argument as well as other such arguments.

But if all we do is rely on scientific arguments to make our case, then we’re not going to win the fight.  Some want to tell Christians “Keep your Bible out of the public sphere” as if only scientific arguments that are supposedly “neutral” are acceptable, while “faith-based” arguments are unacceptable.  All arguments are “faith-based” in the sense that they rest on certain assumptions, first principles, called axioms.  Science, for example, rests on the notion of the general reliability of the senses. 

Uniformitarianism – the idea that the earth has always changed in uniform ways and that the present is the key to the past[1] – is another scientific axiom.  But this has not always been the case.  According to National Geographic, before 1830, “scientists subscribed to catastrophism,” which posits that the features we see on the Earth came about as the result of sudden change.  As Christians, we believe in a Biblical form of catastrophism.  As the Scriptures teach, God’s work of creation is his creating all things out of nothing, by the word of his power, in the space of six [literal 24-hour] days, and all very good.  Likewise, we hold to Noah’s flood as recorded in Genesis 6-9.  But try bringing these Biblical arguments into a modern secular university, and you’ll be laughed to scorn. 

And yet as Christians, these are the very arguments that we must make if we are to “turn to flight the armies” of the atheist scholars who are destroying our nation. It should be noted that the people who want to tell you that one species can change into another are the same ones who want to convince you that men can change into women and women into men.    

In the end, there are no secular battles.  There are only spiritual battles.  And this brings me to the main reason why I have written on immigration the way I have.  I have framed it as a fight between the Antichrist, globalist, New World Order (NWO) of the Roman Catholic Church-State and the Biblical, Protestant Westphalian World Order (WWO).  It is a battle between a false church with a false gospel that saves no one and the true church of Jesus Christ that preaches the true gospel of Justification by Belief Alone and all its implications such as political and economic liberty.  Understood this way, immigration is not some secular issue to be argued about using secular arguments, that is, arguments divorced from the Scriptures, but a spiritual battle to be fought by spiritual means.       

The Apostle Paul enjoined Timothy to “fight the good fight of faith.”  The battle over immigration is not some battle that Christians can pursue as if it were a matter of making conservative political arguments “to own the liberals.” Even the representatives of the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church-State understand that this is a spiritual battle.  Read the arguments Rome makes for its immigration socialism.  The most important Roman Catholic document on immigration is the 1952 Apostolic Constitution The Emigrée Family of Nazareth. In it, Pope Pius XII attempts to argue that the example of Joseph taking Mary and Jesus to Egypt to avoid King Herod’s persecution is the model for “every migrant, alien and refugee of whatever kind.”  According to Rome, when we see millions of illegal aliens pouring across our southern border, we really are supposed to see Jesus and his family.  This is all a lot of nonsense as I’ve discussed elsewhere.[2]  Rather, it is a Scripture twisting attempt by Antichrist to convince the unwary that the Bible supports theft and world government, when, in fact, it does not.    

In Ephesians 5:11, Paul writes, “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.”  Rome’s immigration policies of mass, nation-breaking welfare migration is an “unfruitful work of darkness,” and, therefore, Christians are under obligation 1) to have no fellowship with it, that is, we are not to promote it, and 2) are to expose it, or as the King James reads, “reprove it.”  And how do we expose Rome’s lies about its irredentist, unchristian, immoral theory and practice of immigration?  We reprove Rome from the Word of God.  We fight, not as secularists, not as conservatives, but as Christians. 

Jesus said, “Apart from me, you can do nothing.”  The long string of theological and political defeats suffered by American Protestants over the last 100-plus years tells us what we should have known all along.  If we keep sheathed our one offensive weapon, “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,” not only will we continue to lose every battle, but we will also deserve to lose. 

[1] “Uniformitarianism,” National Geographic, https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/uniformitarianism/, accessed 2/18/2024.

[2] “Antichrist’s Illegal Alien Assault on America,” by Steve Matthews, https://www.trinityfoundation.org/Podcast/TFR%2025.Antichrists%20Illegal%20Alien%20Assault%20on%20America.Final.mp3, accessed 2/18/2024.

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Illegal alien invaders and their camp in Coronado National Forest.

I’ve complained to no end how rare it is for anyone, regardless of how much a critic he is of the Biden Regime’s policy of allowing alien invaders to pour into our nation contrary to U.S. law, to call out the Roman Church-State for its outsized role in this dumpster fire. But I’m happy to report that there are a few exceptions. Wis. Rep. Tom Tiffany is one of them.

In the post below from X, he clearly exposes the evil deeds of Catholic Charities in fostering the invasion of our country.

Here’s a link to another story about Tiffany’s work.


According to the story, Tiffany and other lawmakers are “now calling the DOB to investigate NGOs such as Catholic Charities, Red Cross (the Red Cross is under Vatican control), etc. for “facilitating illegal immigration.”

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My Comments: ”Like shooting fish in a barrel” is an old saying used to describe something ridiculously easy. If you asked me for an example of “shooting fish in a barrel,” I’d have to say it’s finding examples of the Roman Catholic Church subverting American immigration law to promote its irredentist immigration policies, policies designed to win the United States for the Vatican. 

The Roman Catholic program of conquering America through mass immigration, legal and illegal, asylum seeking, etc. has been going on at least since the 1850s and probably much longer.

In this report, James O’Keefe goes undercover to expose an illegal alien smuggling operation run by Casa Alitas, an organization funded by Catholic Community Services, that pays to have illegal aliens put on planes and flown all over the United States. 

This is the work of the papal Antichrist.

I’ll review O’Keefe’s post further in my Radio Lux Lucet podcast for 2/10/2024. 

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Texas officials were seen setting up more razor wire barriers at the border crossing at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass on Tuesday – a day after SCOTUS ruled border patrol could remove it. This is the practice of the Biblical doctrine of the lesser magistrate.

I really hadn’t planned on writing about the Jesuits today. Promise. Or as we used to say as kids, “cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.” That actually sounds pretty gross now that I think about it. The part about sticking a needle in my eye I mean, but I digress…

I had planned on trying to go at least one day without bashing Antichrist and the Jesuits, an attempt at a sort of detox as it were. But what’s that famous line from The Godfather Part 3, “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in”? Yeah, it’s sort of like that. When you’re talking about Antichrist and the Jesuits, there’s just way more bashing to be done than there is time to bash. The field is ripe for harvest but the workers are few. So, let’s get down to business.

What got me going today was this lovely post on X from our friends at Jesuit Refugee Service, which was reposted by our lovely friends at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The Jesuits, it would seem, are very angry that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is finally doing his job of defending Texans from Biden’s illegal alien invasion. They don’t like it one bit. Want proof? Check out the first quote in the post below, “Restrictive immigration and asylum policies result in a higher risk of harm for people seeking safety…”

A few thoughts…

First, note how the Jesuits whine about the “restrictive immigration and asylum policy.” But the thing is, representatives of the Roman Church-State are always quick to tell critics of its immigration policies that the Church does too “recognize the right of sovereign nations to control their territories.”1 But here’s the catch, I have never, ever so much as once in all the years that I have researched Rome’s treasonous immigration theory and practice come across a single instance of the Catholic Church conceding that a government acted properly by restricting the number of people pouring across its borders. America is drowning in illegal aliens, some of them violent, but in the eyes of the Jesuits and the USCCB, now is not the time to try to control the border. I’d liken Rome to some card shark who wins hand after hand and tells his mark, “Sorry son, today’s just not your day, better luck next time.” Or think of Lucy always promising to hold the football for Charlie Brown and always pulling it away at the last moment so he goes flying through the air. How long are the American people going to play the part of Charlie Brown? Very obviously, the twelfth of never is the only time the Jesuits would ever consider shutting off the illegal alien spigot. 

Second, the Jesuits write, “Catholic border organizations and immigrant advocates express opposition to the anti-immigration policies set forth by Governor Gregg Abbott.” Note the framing. Abbott’s policies are “anti-immigration.” They are not “pro-American” or related in any way to the rule of law. They’re just nasty, bigoted “anti-immigration” policies. Again, this just gives the lie to what was discussed in point one above, the idea that Rome believes that sovereign nations have the right to control their territories. Rome is the premier globalist organization as has been discussed numerous times in this space. In light of this, never, ever expect Rome to take the side of the American people in any question of immigration – legal or illegal. Rome has actively been trying to capture America for the Church since at least the 1850s and probably much sooner.2  And Rome sees mass migration of Catholics, and any non-Protestants for that matter, into America as a tool toward this end. 

Third, if you click on the letter that’s in the post from X, you’ll find a treasure trove of Romanist immigration nonsense. I can’t do it all justice in this post, but here are a few lowlights. Note how the Jesuits describe Abbott’s placing the Texas National Guard in Shelby Park at Eagle Pass as a “seizure.” Abbot is simply doing what is both his right and his duty as the Governor of Texas by interposing himself between the lawless and treasonous border policies of the Biden Regime and the Jesuits and their intended victims, the people of Texas. This is the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate in action, a doctrine developed first by John Calvin. Naturally, a tyrannical organization such as Rome would never support the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate for the same reason that Rome hates, loathes, and despises sovereign nations, they both serve as a check on her megalomaniacal pretensions of imposing world government on us all as pope after pope, including the current Jesuit Pope Francis, have repeatedly called for. The Jesuits also attempt to blame the deaths of illegal aliens on the policies of Governor Abbot, when in fact the blood of migrants who drown in the Rio Grande or die horrible deaths in the desert is on the hands of the Jesuits who encourage migrants to illegally cross into the United States and provide material support to help them violate American law. The illegal aliens are nothing but pawns in the hands of the Satanic Jesuits to help them achieve Rome’s ancient goal of ruling the United States. Their crocodile tears should fool no one at this point. 

Another point worth noting in the letter is that it is an attempt to appeal to Gregg Abbott as a Roman Catholic. Abbott himself is Catholic – I supposed Abbott is a fitting name for a Roman Catholic governor – as is his wife, Cecilia Abbott, who is quite active in the Catholic Church and whose work has been recognized by the Church.3

There’s more to say, but I’m going to have to cut it off for today. Just know that as Rome never sleeps in its drive to subvert our Republic, so too must Christians point out Rome’s lies and evil deeds and pray against them. As Charles Spurgeon once said, “It is every Christian’s bounden duty to pray against Antichrist.” Let us not be slack in our calling.

  1. “Catholic Social Teaching” http://www.justiceforimmigrants.org/social-teachings.shtml ↩︎
  2. I’m not joking when I say that the Roman Catholic Church has had America in its crosshairs since at least the 1850s and probably much sooner. Consider the title of Chapter 47 of Fifty Years in the Church of Rome by Catholic priest turned Presbyterian minister Charles Ciniquy, “Letter from the Rev. Bishop Vandeveld, of Chicago – Vast Project of the Bishops of the United States to Take Possession of the Rich Valley of the Mississippi and the Prairies of the West, To Rule that Great Republic” In this chapter, Chiniquy reproduces a letter from the Jesuit Bishop of Chicago, a certain James Oliver Vandeveld, to him while he was still a Catholic priest. In the letter, Vandeveld can hardly contain his glee at the thought of Rome ruling the United States as a result of mass Catholic immigration. Here’s a link https://www.google.com/books/edition/Fifty_Years_in_the_Church_of_Rome/xKoUAAAAYAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&pg=PA497&printsec=frontcover&dq=vandeveld ↩︎
  3. “Catholic Extension honors Texas First Lady Cecilia Abbott with Spirit of Francis Award,” FEbruary 14, 2017, Texas Catholic Herald, https://www.archgh.org/news-data/texas-catholic-herald/catholic-extension-honors-texas-first-lady-cecilia-abbott-with-spirit-of-francis-award/, accessed 01/28/2024. John Robbins commented somewhere in one of his lectures that one of his concerns about electing a Roman Catholic president is that voters would be expecting a Roman Catholic layman to thumb his nose at the pope. That’s a legitimate concern and applies not just to presidents but to all Romanists in elected office. The article says that the “Francis Award” has three namesakes, “St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis and Father Francis Clement Kelley, who founded Catholic Extension in 1905.” Given the above, Texans should be concerned that their governor may be susceptible to manipulation by the Church on immigration. ↩︎

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