
Posts Tagged ‘religion’

Pope Francis sits down with “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell at the Vatican April 24, 2024, for an interview ahead of the Vatican’s inaugural World Children’s Day. 

Last week, Antichrist Pope Francis gave an interview on 60 Minutes touching on several topics, one of which is a focus of this blog, immigration. 

Below are excerpts of Francis’ interview with CBS’s Norah O’Donnell.  My comments are interspersed. 

Norah O’Donnell:

In St. Peter’s Square sits this monument to migrants. On top of a boat, a young boy fleeing the Irish famine, a Jewish man escaping Nazi Germany, a woman departing the Syrian Civil War, unveiled by the Pope in 2019, calling on the faithful to welcome, protect, promote, and integrate. This is a big story in the United States because there have been so many migrants this year. I’ve been to the border and many times it is mothers with children who are fleeing violence and they walk thousands of miles with their families for a better life, and yet there is a discussion about closing the border, limiting migration.

My Comments: The Popes of Rome have seen mass immigration as a weapon to crack Protestant nations and bring them under the thumb of their Antichrist system since at least the mid-19th century, and probably much earlier.  An entire body of literature by 19th-century American Protestants, now largely forgotten, was produced to warn Americans of the threat Rome posed to American liberty.  Those warnings went largely unheeded. Now, in the early 21st century, we are reaping the effects of Rome’s longstanding war on America with, by some estimates, over 10 million illegal aliens, a large percentage of them Roman Catholic, having been allowed to enter the United States under Jesuit influenced, Roman Catholic President Joe Biden. 

In various places in America, these illegals have been rewarded with food, shelter, schooling for their children, driver’s licenses and other government IDs, and in-state college tuition benefits, all paid for by American citizens.

The illegal aliens also form a huge and easily exploitable labor pool that serves to drive down wages for blue-collar Americans, who, after inflation, haven’t had a pay raise in over 50 years, in part due to the mass importation of foreign labor supported by the welfare state.  This amounts to a massive government subsidy for industries that use the labor of illegal aliens to reduce their labor costs while offloading the social costs on the public.  This is called privatizing profits and socializing the costs.  This is not free market economics but a system of exploitation that forces lower and middle-class Americans to foot the social costs via direct taxation and indirect taxation – by indirect taxation, I mean things such as price inflation in food, housing, and other necessities as well as lower wages – so business owners can have an endless supply of cheap labor.     

Norah O’Donnell talks about mothers with children to evoke a sense of pity, but the report from the border and supporting videos and pictures show that the illegal alien flow is comprised heavily of military-aged men.

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US Rep. Elise Stefanik speaks at a Knesset caucus meeting on May 19, 2024 (Sam Sokol/Times of Israel)

“The U.S. government is manipulated by foreign interests.  Both Israel and the Vatican see the United States as their proxy in this religious war.”

  • John W. Robbins, “The Religious Wars of the 21st Century”

As long-time readers of this blog know, John Robbins has done more to shape my thinking on a whole range of topics than any other writer. 

Dr. Robbins was blessed with extraordinary insight into theology, philosophy, politics, and economics.  I doubt there is a sentence that I’ve written in the 15 years of writing the Lux Lucet blog that has not been shaped by his influence.

And just to prove the remarkable insight that he had, I’m going to once again refer to Robbins’ Trinity Review published in 2006, “The Religious Wars of the 21st Century.” The whole essay is well worth reading and commenting on.  But for the sake of time, I’m going to restrict myself to just the two sentences quoted at the top of this post. 

Robbins’ insight in these lines is both brilliant and simple at the same time.  Note that he understands, correctly, that both Israel and the Vatican manipulate the U.S. government for their own ends.  It’s not just one or the other.  It is both. This is a great danger to our republic in that neither Judaism nor Roman Catholicism has the necessary ideas to create or sustain a free society.  The greater their influence on our government, the more liberty Americans lose. 

Here are a few examples of why I say this.

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Tucker Carlson’s post on X from May 2, 2024, commenting on the Antisemitism Awareness Act. In another post on X, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) noted, “Speaker Mike Johnson was so eager to please AIPAC that he didn’t read the bill he rushed to the floor.”

As if it weren’t enough for the GOP to betray America and its voter base by voting to send money to fund wars in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, they followed it up with another outrage last week by helping to pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act (AAA) that, among other things, logically implies that the New Testament is antisemitic and illegal.

The bill has not yet passed the Senate or been signed into law by the President, so it’s not law yet.  But if it does become law – and I think it’s likely that it will – your Bible will be considered legally antisemitic.  At least as far as the Department of Education (DOE) is concerned.  Based on my reading of the bill and the comments of others, it appears that the bill empowers only the DOE to “take into consideration the definition of antisemitism” used in the bill.

“But,” someone may argue, “the AAA has a sentence that reads, “Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment.” To which the proper response is, yes, and the 1964 Civil Rights Act has explicit language prohibiting racial quotas, too.  But in 1968, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) implemented Affirmative Action anyway, which is the system of racial quotas Americans have suffered under for over 50 years now.  There is no reason for Americans to believe that this language against restrictions on the First Amendment will have any bearing on how the DOE administers the AAA. As has been pointed out by others, the way lawmaking works in our technocratic, bureaucratic state, Congressional bills are little more than authorizations for the Executive Branch departments to make rules pursuant to the authorization.  I have no doubt that the DOE will use AAA to infringe upon Americans’ God-given, Constitutionally-guaranteed right of free speech.

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Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, TX holds a mass on the US/Mexico border on 11/5/2022 to commemorate those who died trying to illegally enter the United States. He wants you to forget that it is the Roman Catholic Church’s policy of encouraging the dangerous practice of illegal immigration that is the cause of the deaths of the people whom he pretends to commemorate.

It should come as no surprise that the Roman Church-State, the system of Antichrist, is the master of deception.  We have it on the authority of the Lord Jesus that when Satan lies, he speaks from his own resources.  In like fashion, so too does his representative organization here on earth, the Roman Catholic Church-State. 

This is a general principle one can apply to all of Rome’s decrees.  But for my purposes today, I’ll apply it to Rome’s statements about immigration.  Even more specifically, I’ll apply it to Rome’s oft-repeated claim that it “recognizes a country’s right and responsibility to manage its borders in accordance with the common good.”[1]

I call Rome’s claim that it “recognizes a country’s right and responsibility to manage its border in accordance with the common good” an extraordinary lie for the simple reason that I have never once seen any official of the Roman Church-State even agree with any government policy that restricts massive welfare migration in any way.  Even the smallest measure taken by a government to keep its people from being overrun by the migrant hordes Rome unleashes on its people is met with strident objections from prelates of the Church-State such as Mark J. Seitz, Bishop of El Paso, TX, and U.S. Bishops’ Migration Chairman. 

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