
Posts Tagged ‘news’

U.S. President Joe Biden, right, greets Pope Francis ahead of a working session on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Energy, Africa-Mediterranean, on day two of the 50th G7 summit at Borgo Egnazia, southern Italy, June 14, 2024.

Many Christians entirely miss the political and cultural influence of the Vatican, even when it’s reported publicly, even when it’s held up right in front of their faces. 

Consider how many influential Americans the pope has met with just recently.

Note well that the papal audiences described above are just with Americans and held over the past month. If you follow the news at all, you’ll know that these are not just ordinary Americans but individuals at the very top of the political and cultural pyramid. 

In recent days, the Pope has also addressed the G7 and met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

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Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, Texas, center, and other Catholic clergy from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and El Paso take part in a binational Mass on Nov. 5, 2022, in memory of migrants who died crossing the border as a result of the Roman Church-State’s irredentist immigration policies. (CNS photo/Gabriel Barraza, Reuters)

Once again, Mark Seitz, Bishop of El Paso and chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’s (USCCB) Committee on Migration, is out there whining because the Biden Regime has put some minor restrictions on the flood of illegal aliens pouring across our nation’s southern border. 

In this case, the Biden Regime’s new proclamation “would bar migrants from being granted asylum when U.S. officials deem that the southern border is overwhelmed.”[1] It’s all nonsense.  As the AP states, the measure is designed “to neutralize immigration as a political liability ahead of the November elections.”  Put differently, the Biden Regime is making a weak attempt to fool voters into forgetting its border treason by putting in place a rule that will do very little to change the disastrous, Jesuit-run illegal alien disaster on our southern border.

But Treason Bishop Mark Seitz’s press release on the USCCB’s website paints it as a humanitarian disaster. Here’s his whine in full.

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Pope Francis sits down with “CBS Evening News” anchor Norah O’Donnell at the Vatican April 24, 2024, for an interview ahead of the Vatican’s inaugural World Children’s Day. 

Last week, Antichrist Pope Francis gave an interview on 60 Minutes touching on several topics, one of which is a focus of this blog, immigration. 

Below are excerpts of Francis’ interview with CBS’s Norah O’Donnell.  My comments are interspersed. 

Norah O’Donnell:

In St. Peter’s Square sits this monument to migrants. On top of a boat, a young boy fleeing the Irish famine, a Jewish man escaping Nazi Germany, a woman departing the Syrian Civil War, unveiled by the Pope in 2019, calling on the faithful to welcome, protect, promote, and integrate. This is a big story in the United States because there have been so many migrants this year. I’ve been to the border and many times it is mothers with children who are fleeing violence and they walk thousands of miles with their families for a better life, and yet there is a discussion about closing the border, limiting migration.

My Comments: The Popes of Rome have seen mass immigration as a weapon to crack Protestant nations and bring them under the thumb of their Antichrist system since at least the mid-19th century, and probably much earlier.  An entire body of literature by 19th-century American Protestants, now largely forgotten, was produced to warn Americans of the threat Rome posed to American liberty.  Those warnings went largely unheeded. Now, in the early 21st century, we are reaping the effects of Rome’s longstanding war on America with, by some estimates, over 10 million illegal aliens, a large percentage of them Roman Catholic, having been allowed to enter the United States under Jesuit influenced, Roman Catholic President Joe Biden. 

In various places in America, these illegals have been rewarded with food, shelter, schooling for their children, driver’s licenses and other government IDs, and in-state college tuition benefits, all paid for by American citizens.

The illegal aliens also form a huge and easily exploitable labor pool that serves to drive down wages for blue-collar Americans, who, after inflation, haven’t had a pay raise in over 50 years, in part due to the mass importation of foreign labor supported by the welfare state.  This amounts to a massive government subsidy for industries that use the labor of illegal aliens to reduce their labor costs while offloading the social costs on the public.  This is called privatizing profits and socializing the costs.  This is not free market economics but a system of exploitation that forces lower and middle-class Americans to foot the social costs via direct taxation and indirect taxation – by indirect taxation, I mean things such as price inflation in food, housing, and other necessities as well as lower wages – so business owners can have an endless supply of cheap labor.     

Norah O’Donnell talks about mothers with children to evoke a sense of pity, but the report from the border and supporting videos and pictures show that the illegal alien flow is comprised heavily of military-aged men.

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US Rep. Elise Stefanik speaks at a Knesset caucus meeting on May 19, 2024 (Sam Sokol/Times of Israel)

“The U.S. government is manipulated by foreign interests.  Both Israel and the Vatican see the United States as their proxy in this religious war.”

  • John W. Robbins, “The Religious Wars of the 21st Century”

As long-time readers of this blog know, John Robbins has done more to shape my thinking on a whole range of topics than any other writer. 

Dr. Robbins was blessed with extraordinary insight into theology, philosophy, politics, and economics.  I doubt there is a sentence that I’ve written in the 15 years of writing the Lux Lucet blog that has not been shaped by his influence.

And just to prove the remarkable insight that he had, I’m going to once again refer to Robbins’ Trinity Review published in 2006, “The Religious Wars of the 21st Century.” The whole essay is well worth reading and commenting on.  But for the sake of time, I’m going to restrict myself to just the two sentences quoted at the top of this post. 

Robbins’ insight in these lines is both brilliant and simple at the same time.  Note that he understands, correctly, that both Israel and the Vatican manipulate the U.S. government for their own ends.  It’s not just one or the other.  It is both. This is a great danger to our republic in that neither Judaism nor Roman Catholicism has the necessary ideas to create or sustain a free society.  The greater their influence on our government, the more liberty Americans lose. 

Here are a few examples of why I say this.

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Israel blows up Gaza, then wants to send the refugees to America.

One of the tired, stock lies of the Israel Lobby is the canard that “God blesses those who bless [the nation-state] of Israel.” And when they say “bless Israel,” they mean harm America for the benefit of the Zionist state.

Well, get ready get ready for another blessing from our greatest ally!

According this story from CBS, the “White House considers welcoming some Palestinians from war-torn Gaza as refugees.”

Bibi Netanyahu doesn’t want them hanging around his neck of the woods, but our greatest ally thinks sending them to your neighborhood and forcing you to support them with your tax dollars is an awesome idea. Our wonderful president agrees. So don’t even think about complaining about this wonderful blessing or so much as ask a question about why America should take these people in. No sir. Why, that would be antisemitic. And you don’t want to be antisemitic, do you?

This is all very predictable. Israel began the campaign to offload its Gaza problem on America at least as far back as November 2023. In an op-ed titled “The West Should Welcome Gaza Refugees: Europe and the U.S. accepted millions who fled eaerlier wars” in the Wall Street Journal dated Nov. 13, 2023, Danny Danon (a sitting member of the Israeli Knesset) and Ram Ben-Barak (another sitting member of the Knesset and former deputy director of the Mossad) could hardly contain their eagerness to bless Europe and America with millions more refugees. “The international community has a moral imperative…to…help the people of Gaza move toward a more prosperous future.”

For some unexplained reason, “the international community,” by which these two Israelis mean Europe and the U.S., have this “moral responsibility,” but not Israel.

The proper response to them is “Get thee behind me, Satan!”

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Venezuelan TikToker Leonal Moreno went viral in March with a video urging illegal aliens to squat in abandoned American homes. Moreno was a little too on the nose with his remarks, even for the Biden Regime, and was arrested. But his arrest is far from the end of the squatter problem in the US.

NYC Homeowners Told They Will Be Arrested If They Turn Off Electricity, Water As Squatters Take Over.” This was a recent story on Townhall and it underscores once again how far America has fallen from the rule of law. 

In summary, the story talks about how squatters, many of them illegal aliens, are staying rent-free in properties while the owners are unable to evict them due to New York City laws.  The homeowners are forced to pay utilities while the squatters remain in the home.  When asked why he doesn’t evict the squatters, one homeowner said he’d be “arrested instantly.”

The American people are being destroyed with each such incident, yet there seems to be no relief in sight.  Our government has been weaponized against us and it looks as though nothing can be done.  Thankfully, it’s not that bad everywhere.  But how long until this evil finds its way to a neighborhood near you or me? 

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Illegal alien invaders arrive at Annunciation House in El Paso after being released from U.S. Customs and Border Protection custody, on June 24, 2018. Credit: Ivan Pierre Aguirre for The Texas Tribune

Rome controls the immigration media narrative.  If you doubt this, consider the press coverage of the lawsuit brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton against Annunciation House.

The story, if you’re not familiar with it, is that Ken Paxton’s office announced on 2/202/2024 that he was suing Annunciation House, an El Paso-based NGO “after discovering Potential efforts to facilitate illegal immigration.”  You can read the press release here

According to Paxton, there is significant public record information strongly suggesting Annunciation House is engaged in legal violations such as facilitating illegal entry to the United States, alien harboring, human smuggling, and operating a stash house.” Paxton’s aim is to revoke Annunciation House’s registration to operate in Texas. 

Predictably, the Roman Catholic propaganda machine immediately kicked it into high gear, with nearly every article posted on Paxton’s lawsuit portraying this a David and Goliath struggle, with Paxton in the Goliath role and Annunciation House as the poor little put upon David. 

Here’s a sample of the media headlines from the past two weeks to show you what I mean:

“Ken Paxton’s Annunciation House investigation is the latest attack on religious organizations aiding migrants at the border” – Texas Tribune, 2/24/2024

“Flowers: Texas off base to go after Annunciation House efforts” – Delco Times 3/1/2024

“Opinion: An attack on Annunciation House is an attack on Texas” – El Paso Matters, 3/1/2024

“Editorial: Annunciation House’s charitable acts for immigrants are not crimes” – San Antonio Express News, 2/27/2024

“Texas attorney general sets off religious liberty alarms by attacking a Catholic charity in El Paso” – Baptist News Global, 2/23/2024

“El Paso’s Saint Of The Border Negotiates A New Reality” – New Yorker, 2/23/2024

“Catholic immigrant shelter battles Texas AG, who wants to shut it down” – NBC News, 2/21/2024

Many more such headlines can be found, but I think you get the point.  There is a massive media campaign to paint the Annunciation House as the innocent victim of a rogue Attorney General.  Note well, these are, for the most part, secular sources.  I avoided headlines from openly Roman Catholic sources intentionally, although there are plenty of those as well. 

Worth noting is the headline from Baptist News Global.  I don’t know much about this organization.  A quick perusal of its website suggests that it’s a liberal Baptist group.  That it would come out in defense of Antichrist’s treasonous immigration policies is not all that much of a surprise, as many Evangelical and Protestant organizations, even putatively conservative ones such as the Southern Baptist Convention, have echoed Rome’s immigration philosophy of mass welfare migration.   

Worth asking is this question, Is it an accident that Rome’s profoundly destructive immigration theory and practice receive such favorable coverage in the new media?  The answer is no, it is not.  Rome controls the immigration narrative presented to the public in the media.

By “narrative,” I mean the context in which the news stories are set, the way events are explained.  Take the headline above, “Editorial: Annunciation House’s charitable acts for immigrants are not crimes.”  Calling the millions – some say up to 10 million – people who have poured across our southern border “immigrants” is simply dishonest.  This is an invasion, not an immigration, and I’m fairly certain that the editorial writers at the San Antonio Express News know that full well.

A book published in the 1980s titled American Democracy & The Vatican: Population Growth & National Security provides some interesting insights as to how Rome goes about controlling the media narrative.  The short answer is that they attack “offending” newspaper’s advertisers. 

Father Mullaly concluded this revealing document with a platform of action for punishing critical American newspapers:

1. Do not attack a magazine or newspaper through its editorial department but act through its business office.

2. When a magazine or newspaper is attacking your religion, write to the business manager and inform him that you will not buy the offending periodical again, and mean it.

3. Call the attention of the merchants with whom you deal to the insults and tell them that as long as they advertize in any offending paper you will not buy their goods, and mean it.

4. Tell your news-dealer that as long as you see the magazine or newspaper on his stand as an open insult to you, you will not buy from him, and mean it.[1]

Note that Mullaly’s first rule is not to argue against the publication’s editorial department.  That is, Mullaly is not interested in debating ideas.  He wants to shut down debate by silencing the opposition. 

A survey of American press coverage on the faceoff between Ken Paxton and Annunciation House suggests that Mullaly’s approach to censorship via threat has been highly effective. 

[1] Mumford, Stephen D. American Democracy and the Vatican: Population Growth and National Security. Church and State Press. Kindle Edition. Worth noting, the ADL and other Jewish groups use similar tactics when attacking publishes who refuse to bow to their censorship demands.  This tweet by the ADL from 2022 is an example of their handiwork https://twitter.com/ADL/status/1588587735711121408?lang=en.

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My Comments: The sanctuary state of Massachusetts is – big surprise! – getting overrun by illegal alien invaders, and it’s costing taxpayers a pretty penny.

The lesbian, Roman Catholic governor of the state, Maura Healey, has encouraged the mass influx of indigent illegal aliens and is dumping the cost off on the people of Massachusetts.

The story below from the Daily Mail indicates that Healy declared a state of emergency over migrant arrivals last August. When confronted with a phenomenon causing an emergency, most people would look for ways to stop whatever it is that’s causing the problem. Suppose you walked into your kitchen and found the sink was overflowing and the faucet was wide open. You’d probably shut off the faucet, then go grab a mop and bucket.

But not Maura Healey or her other partners in crime in other cities and states. No sir.

The only complaint any of them has is that the federal government has not provided enough funds for them to build enough migrant shelters. None of them, not Healey in Massachusetts, no Adams in New York, not Johnson in Chicago, has ever, so far as I’m aware, uttered a word about shutting off the illegal alien invasion set in motion by the Biden Regime.

Their refusal to demand that the federal government do its job tells you they’re in on the Vatican’s treasonous, irredentist replacement migration plot.

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Would be illegal aliens shelter in the Casa Del Migrante in Piedras Negras, Mexico. They hide in this “Roman Catholic church-run” Scalabrinian shelter to avoid being rounded up by the Mexican army. One can have sympathy for these people, who are being used as pawns by the Roman Church-State, without condoning their actions. Photo by Todd Bensman.

“But because the Biden campaign simply could not brook the bad polling part, the last and only migrants who can be found anywhere in the Mexican border town of Piedras Negras today cower in fear behind the skirts of nuns inside the tall, barbed-wire-rimmed compound of a Catholic Church-run shelter called Casa Del Migrante.”


My Comments: In the link below to a piece by immigration reporter Todd Bensman, we read that the Biden Regime, seeing its precipitous drop in the polls, has decided to crack down on the border invaders. Who knew that destroying America with an illegal alien invasion would prove unpopular politically?

But of special interest to me is what Bensman writes in his article’s second paragraph, which I’ve quoted above, where he talks about the Casa Del Migrante (Migrant House). It turns out that the Casa Del Migrante in Piedras Negras is just one franchise of a whole network of Casas Del Migrante run by the Scalabrinians, a Catholic organization dedicated to subverting the United States and other nations using Rome’s irredentist immigration policies and practices.

The article even quotes a nun who admits that she knows she’s helping to shelter what the article calls “intending U.S. border-crossers” but should be called illegal alien invaders.

The role of the Antichrist Roman Catholic Church in the illegal alien invasion of America and other Western nations cannot be overstated. It’s almost comically easy to find evidence of this “conspiracy theory,” but almost no one connects the dots that are all but shoved in our faces on a daily basis.

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