
Posts Tagged ‘Vaccine Mandates’

Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour….

  • Ephesians 4:25

What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?  Answer: About six months.  Or so runs the joke. 

I thought about this when I say the Wall Street Journal Headline (WSJ) “Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says.”  The WSJ, as you probably know, is a mainstream publication and not given to promoting “conspiracy theories.”  Less than two years ago, one could be banned from Facebook and other social media platforms.  But here in February 2023, what was called a “conspiracy theory” not so very long ago, is trumpeted in the headlines of the WSJ. 

In my opinion, the headline in the WSJ doesn’t go far enough, for it implies that the Covid scamdemic was a tragic accident.  In my view, the Covid virus was not a lab leak, but a lab release.  What’s my evidence for saying this?  It’s admittedly circumstantial, that is to say, it is indirect.  I don’t have a quote from Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, or some other globalist megalomaniac saying, “release the virus!” And yet, when you consider the amount and quality of the circumstantial evidence supporting the lab release theory, the case, in my view, is compelling. 

In retrospect, Jesuit-trained Anthony Fauci’s comment at Jesuit-founded and Jesuit-run Georgetown University is among the most interesting and compelling bits of circumstantial evidence.  In a report dated 1/11/2017, just days before Donald Trump took office, Dr. Fauci was quoted as saying “no doubt” Donald Trump would face a surprise infectious disease outbreak while president.  How did Fauci know this?  It appears he was involved in funding the research on the virus contrary to American law.  Did he know the end to which the virus was going to be put? 

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More Than These: A Call for Reformation by Pastor Ralph Ovadal. This is a hard-hitting, brilliant critique of the Roman Church State’s use of the Pro-Life Movement to advance its ecumenical efforts among Bible-believing Protestants. It includes numerous references to recently defrocked Roman Catholic Priest Frank Pavone, who is being held up as a martyr for his faith by some in the Conservative Movement. Not only is Frank Pavone an unrepentant Roman Catholic, but for many years he has also been at the forefront of Rome’s efforts to bring American Protestants “home to Rome.” I discuss Frank Pavone in this podcast.


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Today’s pandemic response is eerily similar to the smallpox pandemic response” by Steve Kirsch, 2/13/2022

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News today: Embalmers, Debate in Canada, FDA meeting on hold, Cell paper, mask study disputed, Igor’s discovery, news from Peter McCullough, post-vax photos, and much more” by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter, 2/11/2022

Exclusive: Embalmer reveals 93% of cases died from the vaccine” by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter, 2/12/2022

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Tawny Buettner, RN, observed a 10X increase in the rate of myocarditis after the vaccines rolled out” by Steve Kirsch, 1/28/2022

Worldwide Exclusive:  Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots by Dr. Jane Ruby

Israel is overrun with Covid. The vaccines have failed. The experiment must stop.” By Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths, 1/28/2022


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US Federal Courts Reject Biden’s Tyranny but Austria Shows Its True Nazi Colors” by Paul Craig Roberts, 1/22/2022


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There is no greater threat facing the true church of Christ at this moment than the irrationalism that now controls our entire culture.

  • John W. Robbins, “The Trinity Manifesto”

After nearly two years of continuous madness, the pandemic of Covid irrationalism and totalitarianism has yet to run its course.  For that matter, the worse the scientific case gets – let alone the Biblical case – for vaccine mandates and other impositions on liberty, the more strident the calls for more stringent measures become from the true believers in the Covidian cult. 

Even those from who we have a right to expect rational thought on matters Covid can’t get it right.  Here, I’m talking specifically about the Supreme Court’s ruling last week on the Biden regime’s vaccine mandates. The Court struck down as unconstitutional – of course, the Court is nowhere given the power to determine whether a law is constitutional or not, this is a usurped power but that is another matter that I will not address today – the mandate requiring all employers with 100 or more employees to force their workforces to be vaccinated or face ruinous fines.  On the other hand, the Court found in favor of the mandate directed at health care professions, stating that any medical facility that accepts federal Medicare and Medicaid dollars must require all employees to be vaccinated. 

In his article “Supreme Court Delivers Schizophrenic Ruling,” Paul Craig Roberts noted, “What we have is the complete separation of the law from justice and the violation of the US Constitution that requires equal treatment under the law.  The Justices have, again, delivered unequal treatment.”

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Happy New Year 2022!

I had meant to write this post last week, but, as they say, life got in the way.  So here’s the belated version for you. 

As do many, I find New Year’s a convenient time to stop and reflect on the year past and consider what may lie ahead.

In my case, I like to mention upfront that I’m thankful to the Lord God Almighty for the opportunity to write this blog during 2021.  Before I begin each post, I pray that the Lord would grant me the grace to write truthfully, clearly, and in a way that glorifies His name and edifies his people.   Moreover, November 2021 marked the seventh anniversary of my prayer to God asking him to help me write at least one blog post a week.  By his grace I have kept this pace, posting at least one new item every week since then.  Thanks be to God for giving me the strength to do this!

There are times as a writer when I really do wonder if I’m doing the Lord’s will or my own.  Has God called me to do this work, or am I just kidding myself and rebelling against him?  That he has honored my prayers for this blog, that people still seem to get something out of it, and that I continue to enjoy writing are big hints to me that, yes, I am doing what the Lord has called me to do.

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