
Posts Tagged ‘palestine’

Pastor John MacArthur speaks with Ben Shapiro

“This is like the modern version of Amalek. Until they’re (apparently referring to the Palestinians) wiped out, this is just going to go on and on and on and on.”

These were the words of no less an Evangelical light than John MacArthur in an interview with Ben Shapiro. 

I’d like to say that MacArthur’s words were a rarity among American Protestants, but they are not.  A substantial portion of the American Evangelical church is caught up in the superstition that is dispensationalism, a view of the end times that rose to prominence in the 19th century.  For them, dispensationalism is the lens that colors their view of events in the Middle East. And so great is that coloring that they end up supporting anti-liberty political Judaism while destroying the Biblical system of political Protestantism set up by their forebears.    

I’m not an expert on John MacArthur’s views on the end times, but I did find this article that seems to be consistent with his statement to Ben Shapiro. In it, MacArthur calls himself a “leaky dispensationalist,” by which he seems to mean that he’s not one of those crazy sorts of dispensationalists but is of a more rational spirit.  Very well.  But for all that, his stance on how Israel should conduct the war in Gaza, and by implication America’s obligation to support Israel’s war efforts, is not much different than Zionist wingnuts like Sen. Lindsey Graham, who called for Israel to nuke Gaza[1] or Nikki Haley writing “finish them” on an Israeli shell.[2]

What I find interesting about men such as MacArthur is that they continue to push the position that the American people have a God-given responsibility to ask “how high” every time the Israel lobby commands them and their elected officials to jump.  By their words and actions, they show that they believe that the American people are, in fact, subordinate to the Israelis based on their warped interpretation of eschatology. 

Take, for example, the Israel lobby’s attack on the First Amendment.  At the behest of Jewish Zionists,[3] the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill called the Antisemitism Awareness Act that would, in effect, make all criticism of Israel and Jews illegal on college campuses.[4] Given the antisemitism laws in effect in Europe and Canada, it’s reasonable that the Israel lobby won’t be satisfied with quashing all criticism of Israel and Jews only on college campuses.  They will work to impose such laws on American society at large, the First Amendment notwithstanding.

The First Amendment prohibits Congress from establishing a church, abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the government. It is among the crowning achievements of political Protestantism.  The First Amendment guarantees that Christians have the right to proclaim the gospel of Justification by Faith (Belief) Alone. If faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God, then, of course, freedom of speech is critical to the spread of the gospel. And since spiritual liberty begets political and economic liberty, free speech is also necessary to the creation and maintenance of our republic and the rights guaranteed under our Constitution.   

So why do John MacArthur and others, instead of taking the side of political Protestantism as they should, prefer instead to support Zionism, which is an expression of political Judaism?  Political Judaism lacks the necessary ideas to create or sustain a free society.  Do these Christian Zionists not understand that Zionism and our God-given liberties protected by our Constitution are incompatible?  

In the New Testament, we have several clear examples of what those who adhere to political Judaism think about free speech.  They hate it.  They had Christ crucified because they didn’t like his sermons.  Even before the crucifixion, there were attempts on Jesus’s life simply for what he said.

The Sanhedrin beat Peter and John for what? For preaching the gospel. The Sanhedrin didn’t believe in freedom of speech.  In 2024, the modern-day Sanhedrin in the form of the ADL, AIPAC, and other Jewish organizations and individuals[5] likewise do not believe in free speech and call for college kids and professors who protest Israel to be beaten, suspended, doxed, and prevented from working. They are political thugs whose ideas and actions are incompatible with a free society. Many Christians, who, like the Sanhedrin, also do not believe in freedom of speech, agree. But the Constitution, an expression of political Protestantism, says that college students have the right to peacefully protest Israel. 

Political Judaism says, “Don’t say that, or we’ll throw you in jail.” Why do American Protestants fail to take their own side by defending political Protestantism’s principle of free speech? Why do they side with political Judaism against the commands of Scripture and their own best interests? A big part of the answer is their foolish and unscriptural dispensationalist eschatology.

Other Protestants, seeing the problems with political Judaism, prefer to side with Rome instead. One popular expression of political Romanism is Christian Nationalism, which calls for Protestants to make a grand alliance with Romanism and Eastern Orthodoxy to rebuild Christendom. Christians should not side with political Romanism or Orthodoxy, which, like political Judaism, are forms of unbelief lacking the necessary ideas to create and sustain a free society.

Satan fills this world with all manner of distractions, including false theologies and philosophies designed to fool, if possible, even the elect.  It’s time for American Protestants to take Jesus’s words seriously, “Take heed that no man deceive you.”

[1] “U.S. Senator Says Israel Should Nuke Gaza,” by Ben Norton, Geopolitical Economy, May 12, 2024, https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2024/05/12/senator-lindsey-graham-israel-nuclear-weapons-gaza/, accessed 6/23/2024.

[2] “Nikki Haley writes ‘Finish Them’ on Israeli artillery shell, drawing criticism,” by Kanishka Singh, Reuters, May 29, 2024, https://www.reuters.com/world/us/nikki-haley-writes-finish-them-israeli-artillery-shell-drawing-criticism-2024-05-29/, accessed 6/23/2024.

[3] See this post of X from AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) from May 1, 2024.  AIPAC, an organization committed to advancing political Judaism, is delighted at the Antisemitism Awareness Act’s attack on the First Amendment.

[4] “New US Antisemitism Law Turns Critics Against Israeli Genocide Into Criminals,” by Joachim Hagopian, Global Research, May 3, 2024, https://www.globalresearch.ca/antisemitism-law-critics-israeli-genocide/5856331, accessed 6/23/2024.

[5] One of the most vocal individuals attacking the right to protest Israel is billionaire investor Bill Ackman.  Ackman demanded that Harvard University (his alma mater) name the Harvard students blaming Israel for the Hamas attack of October 7, 2023.  This is a tactic known as “doxing,” which is “Typically…a malicious act, used against people with whom the hacker disagrees or dislikes. Doxing…is the act of revealing identifying information about someone online, such as their real name, home address, workplace, phone, financial, and other personal information.” (Kaspersky, https://usa.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/what-is-doxing).  Ackman claims to believe in free speech while at the same time acting like some mafia Don, saying to student protestors, in effect, “You’ll never work in this town again!”

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Tucker Carlson’s post on X from May 2, 2024, commenting on the Antisemitism Awareness Act. In another post on X, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) noted, “Speaker Mike Johnson was so eager to please AIPAC that he didn’t read the bill he rushed to the floor.”

As if it weren’t enough for the GOP to betray America and its voter base by voting to send money to fund wars in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, they followed it up with another outrage last week by helping to pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act (AAA) that, among other things, logically implies that the New Testament is antisemitic and illegal.

The bill has not yet passed the Senate or been signed into law by the President, so it’s not law yet.  But if it does become law – and I think it’s likely that it will – your Bible will be considered legally antisemitic.  At least as far as the Department of Education (DOE) is concerned.  Based on my reading of the bill and the comments of others, it appears that the bill empowers only the DOE to “take into consideration the definition of antisemitism” used in the bill.

“But,” someone may argue, “the AAA has a sentence that reads, “Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment.” To which the proper response is, yes, and the 1964 Civil Rights Act has explicit language prohibiting racial quotas, too.  But in 1968, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) implemented Affirmative Action anyway, which is the system of racial quotas Americans have suffered under for over 50 years now.  There is no reason for Americans to believe that this language against restrictions on the First Amendment will have any bearing on how the DOE administers the AAA. As has been pointed out by others, the way lawmaking works in our technocratic, bureaucratic state, Congressional bills are little more than authorizations for the Executive Branch departments to make rules pursuant to the authorization.  I have no doubt that the DOE will use AAA to infringe upon Americans’ God-given, Constitutionally-guaranteed right of free speech.

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Israel blows up Gaza, then wants to send the refugees to America.

One of the tired, stock lies of the Israel Lobby is the canard that “God blesses those who bless [the nation-state] of Israel.” And when they say “bless Israel,” they mean harm America for the benefit of the Zionist state.

Well, get ready get ready for another blessing from our greatest ally!

According this story from CBS, the “White House considers welcoming some Palestinians from war-torn Gaza as refugees.”

Bibi Netanyahu doesn’t want them hanging around his neck of the woods, but our greatest ally thinks sending them to your neighborhood and forcing you to support them with your tax dollars is an awesome idea. Our wonderful president agrees. So don’t even think about complaining about this wonderful blessing or so much as ask a question about why America should take these people in. No sir. Why, that would be antisemitic. And you don’t want to be antisemitic, do you?

This is all very predictable. Israel began the campaign to offload its Gaza problem on America at least as far back as November 2023. In an op-ed titled “The West Should Welcome Gaza Refugees: Europe and the U.S. accepted millions who fled eaerlier wars” in the Wall Street Journal dated Nov. 13, 2023, Danny Danon (a sitting member of the Israeli Knesset) and Ram Ben-Barak (another sitting member of the Knesset and former deputy director of the Mossad) could hardly contain their eagerness to bless Europe and America with millions more refugees. “The international community has a moral imperative…to…help the people of Gaza move toward a more prosperous future.”

For some unexplained reason, “the international community,” by which these two Israelis mean Europe and the U.S., have this “moral responsibility,” but not Israel.

The proper response to them is “Get thee behind me, Satan!”

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South Dakota Governor signs bill attacking the First Amendment.

“Because Christianity is neither Romanism nor Judaism nor Islam, there is no need for the United States, a historically, if not currently, Christian nation, to be involved in the religious wars of the twenty-first century.  But because of the influence of American citizens (and non-citizens) who are Jews, Catholics, and Dispensational Evangelicals, we are already involved.  In fact, because of our foreign policy of interventionism developed in the twentieth century, and because of our more recent policy of pre-emptive war, the United States has become the primary target of militant Muslims worldwide. And not of Muslims only. Agents of both Israel and Rome are active in the United States, both gathering intelligence and influencing policy. The U. S. government is manipulated by foreign interests. Both Israel and the Vatican see the United States as their proxy in this religious war”[1] (emphasis mine).

Gov. Kristi Noem, a favorite of conservatives and a possible running mate for Donald Trump in 2024, recently signed a bill “requiring the consideration of the definition of antisemitism when investigating unfair or discriminatory practices.” 

The bill, titled “An Act to require the consideration of the definition of antisemitism when investigating unfair or discriminatory practices,” reads,

In reviewing, investigating, or deciding whether an alleged violation of this chapter
is antisemitic, the Division of Human Rights must consider the definition of antisemitism.
For the purposes of this chapter, the term “antisemitism” has the same meaning as the
working definition of antisemitism adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance
Alliance on May 26, 2016, including the contemporary examples of antisemitism identified therein.

Nothing in this section may be construed to diminish or infringe upon any protected
right under U.S. Const., amend. I or S.D. Const., Art. VI, § 5, or to conflict with any
federal, state, or local discrimination law.

Pay special attention to the second paragraph. It notes, “Nothing in the section may be construed to diminish or infringe upon any protected right under U.S. Const., amend I….” This is typical of the double-speak of our time where it is almost a sure-fire guarantee that any statement by a politician, academic, or journalist almost certainly means the exact opposite of what it claims to mean.  This bill is surely an attack on the First Amendment to insulate Jews and Israel from criticism. 

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My Comments: Not content with Biden’s Border Rush as it, apparently, Republican Senators have managed to help craft a bill that amps up the border treason and codifies it into law. So not only do Americans get “a new and improved” Biden Border Rush, but in exchange for such a blessing, we get to give more of our money away to Ukraine and Israel. 

In response, House Speaker Mike Johnson has promised that the Senate bill is DOA (good) and has also promised to de-link border security and aid to Israel. Instead, Johnson has promised to introduce a clean bill to send Israel $14.3 billion of your hard-earned dollars to Israel to continue its destruction of Gaza. 


In a bit of good news, Congressman Thomas Massie posted on X stating that he’d be voting “no” on Johnson’s bill. Masssie was immediately set upon by Zionist John Podhoretz who called him a “disingenuous piece of anti-Semitic filth” because he doesn’t want to rob Americans to pay for Israel’s wars. So in the mind of John Podhoretz and many other supporters of Israel, not robbing Americans to pay for Zionist wars is “antisemitism.” This is pathetic and shows that such men have no arguments other than to call their opponents names. Thomas Massie is one of the few men in Congress who doesn’t hate the American people and sees himself as a guardian of liberty. Well done, Congressman! Podhoretz, on the other hand, could not care less about the American people.

By the way, those Palestinians Israel doesn’t kill with your tax dollars, they want to export to America and Europe, so instead of being Israel’s problem, they can be our problem. That’s our “greatest ally” for you.

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