
Posts Tagged ‘UN and Immigration’

Last week, Tucker Carlson released an interview with Bret Weinstein about Weinstein’s investigative trip to the Darien Gap.  It’s well worth the hour and twelve minutes it takes to watch, for it exposes yet another flank in the Roman Catholic Church-State’s (RCCS’s) illegal alien assault on America, even if the connection is not made explicit in the interview.

The Darien Gap is a dangerous, sixty-mile stretch of jungle along the Columbia-Panama border through which there are no roads.  Those who cross the Darien Gap must face its treacherous conditions on foot.  Yet despite the danger, migrants continue to pour through the Gap in the hope of reaching the United States.  And the dangers are not all natural.  Weinstein talks in the interview about robberies and rapes that take place in this remote area. 

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