
Posts Tagged ‘jerusalem’

My Comments: Not content with Biden’s Border Rush as it, apparently, Republican Senators have managed to help craft a bill that amps up the border treason and codifies it into law. So not only do Americans get “a new and improved” Biden Border Rush, but in exchange for such a blessing, we get to give more of our money away to Ukraine and Israel. 

In response, House Speaker Mike Johnson has promised that the Senate bill is DOA (good) and has also promised to de-link border security and aid to Israel. Instead, Johnson has promised to introduce a clean bill to send Israel $14.3 billion of your hard-earned dollars to Israel to continue its destruction of Gaza. 


In a bit of good news, Congressman Thomas Massie posted on X stating that he’d be voting “no” on Johnson’s bill. Masssie was immediately set upon by Zionist John Podhoretz who called him a “disingenuous piece of anti-Semitic filth” because he doesn’t want to rob Americans to pay for Israel’s wars. So in the mind of John Podhoretz and many other supporters of Israel, not robbing Americans to pay for Zionist wars is “antisemitism.” This is pathetic and shows that such men have no arguments other than to call their opponents names. Thomas Massie is one of the few men in Congress who doesn’t hate the American people and sees himself as a guardian of liberty. Well done, Congressman! Podhoretz, on the other hand, could not care less about the American people.

By the way, those Palestinians Israel doesn’t kill with your tax dollars, they want to export to America and Europe, so instead of being Israel’s problem, they can be our problem. That’s our “greatest ally” for you.

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