
Posts Tagged ‘italy’

Bishop Mark J. Seitz of El Paso, TX holds a mass on the US/Mexico border on 11/5/2022 to commemorate those who died trying to illegally enter the United States. He wants you to forget that it is the Roman Catholic Church’s policy of encouraging the dangerous practice of illegal immigration that is the cause of the deaths of the people whom he pretends to commemorate.

It should come as no surprise that the Roman Church-State, the system of Antichrist, is the master of deception.  We have it on the authority of the Lord Jesus that when Satan lies, he speaks from his own resources.  In like fashion, so too does his representative organization here on earth, the Roman Catholic Church-State. 

This is a general principle one can apply to all of Rome’s decrees.  But for my purposes today, I’ll apply it to Rome’s statements about immigration.  Even more specifically, I’ll apply it to Rome’s oft-repeated claim that it “recognizes a country’s right and responsibility to manage its borders in accordance with the common good.”[1]

I call Rome’s claim that it “recognizes a country’s right and responsibility to manage its border in accordance with the common good” an extraordinary lie for the simple reason that I have never once seen any official of the Roman Church-State even agree with any government policy that restricts massive welfare migration in any way.  Even the smallest measure taken by a government to keep its people from being overrun by the migrant hordes Rome unleashes on its people is met with strident objections from prelates of the Church-State such as Mark J. Seitz, Bishop of El Paso, TX, and U.S. Bishops’ Migration Chairman. 

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